Analog I/O Parameters

AKT2G Input Terminals

The offset and gain is applied to calculate the value converted from the analog input:

PLC Variable Value = Analog to Digital Converter Value x Gain + Offset

Where the Gain and Offset are configured from the terminal’s I/O tab.

See E-Bus Analog I/O Data Representation for more information.

AKT2G Output Terminals

The offset and gain is applied to calculate the value to be converted to the analog output:

Digital to Analog Converter Value = PLC Variable Value x Gain + Offset

Where the Gain and Offset are configured from the terminal’s I/O tab.

See E-Bus Analog I/O Data Representation for more information.

AKT Input Terminals

The process data that are transferred to the Bus Coupler are calculated using these equations:

Ya = ( Ba + XADC ) x Aa
Yout = Bw + (( Aw + Ah ) x Ya )

With these parameters:




Output values of the Analog Input Modules A/D converter.


Process data to the controller.

Ba , Aa

Manufacturer offset and gain compensation .


Manufacturer scaling: default gain .

Bw , Aw

User scaling: Offset and Gain as set in the Analog Input Properties.

For the thermocouple input terminals, AKT-AN-200-000 and AKT-AN-400-000, the manufacturer default gain is 160.
For all other supported terminals, the manufacturer default gain is 1.
The manufacturer default offset is 0 (zero) for all supported terminals.

Figure 1: Analog Input Properties

AKT Output Terminals

The process data that are transferred to the Bus Coupler from the controller are calculated using these equations:

Y2 = Bw + (( Aw x Ah ) x X )
Ydac = Y2 x Aa + Ba

With these parameters:




Controller Process data.


Controller data to analog output module D/A converter.

Ba , Aa

Manufacturer offset and gain compensation .


Manufacturer scaling: default gain .

Bw , Aw

User scaling: offset and gain as set in the Analog Output Properties.

The manufacturer default offset is zero for all supported terminals.
The manufacturer default gain is 1 for all supported terminals.

Figure 2: Analog Output Properties